1. 推薦された事をどう思いますか?


「This planet is one big creature . So our presence is like between cells 」
I always feel like it has been creating songs and pictures.


However , in the early days were not any people have difficulty understanding their
feelings . But now I got a lot of supportive people.


A lot of friends around the world has in creased , probably because we have to work together  IUCN  become ambassador since 2004.

Green  Awards has been recommended to me proud, be happy enough in itself.


Great courage for me life and future environmental activities. Thank you very much.


●私の名前IRUKA(Dolphinという意味)の様にあらゆる世界をつなげる架け橋になりたい。日本国環境省の定める「2011~2020国連生物多様性の10年(JAPAN COMMITTEE FOR UNDB)」の国内委員として、「生物多様性」や「温暖化対策」に取り組む事はもちろんですが。

As my name IRUKA, a dolphin, means, I hope to be a bridge between all worlds not only through engaging in biodiversity or climate change as a

domestic member of the "Japan Committee for United Nations Decade on Biodiversity 2011-2020" but in every way possible.


I hope to believe all children and beings on the Earth are children of mine.


I hope to hand our traditions down to our children.


Thank you so much for your support for Japan affected by the disaster.
I will support other countries suffering disasters.




