



IUCN国際自然保護連合 親善大使 イルカ(IRUKA)


Message for Rio+20 - IRUKA


I have great expectations for the Rio+20 summit. Two decades have passed since the Earth Summit took place in 1990. This fact alone generates in me deep emotion and thoughts of our earth, and I believe that I am not the only one who has such feelings.

Since I was child, I have loved animals and plants and worried about the Earth's future. At the beginning of my career as a singer in the early 70s, I used to write and sing songs to express such feelings. Gradually, I have attracted people who sympathized with my thoughts. Being also a wife and a mother, I am able to look at environmental issues problems through my house work, for example the impacts of detergents and waste. I have realised that everything on Earth is interconnected. However, it was around 1992, the year of the Earth Summit, when I started meeting many friends who shared the same feelings. I could not participate in the Earth Summit, but it functioned as a springboard for my conservation activities.
Having served as an IUCN Goodwill Ambassador since 2004, I am so happy and proud of having many friends who share the same goal in the world. I also feel a great responsibility for turning my passion for the Earth into real and concrete conservation activities.
I truly hope that the Rio+20 will bring fruitful outcomes for the Earth's future.
